Actions, whether legal or illegal, may be harmful to other users and violate our rules, and some activities may also subject you to liability. Therefore, for your own protection and for that of other users, you may not engage in such activities on our sites. These activities include:

Harassing and Abusing Others: Engaging in harassment, threats, stalking, spamming, or vandalism. Transmitting chain mail, junk mail, or spam to other users.

Violating the Privacy of Others: Infringing the privacy rights of others under the laws of the United States of America or other applicable laws (which may include the laws where you live or where you view or edit content). Soliciting personally identifiable information for purposes of harassment, exploitation, violation of privacy, or any promotional or commercial purpose not explicitly approved by Comneton. Soliciting personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18 for an illegal purpose or violating any applicable law regarding the health or well-being of minors.

Engaging in False Statements, Impersonation, or Fraud: Intentionally or knowingly posting content that constitutes libel or defamation. With the intent to deceive, posting content that is false or inaccurate. Attempting to impersonate another user or individual, misrepresenting your affiliation with any individual or entity, or using the username of another user with the intent to deceive. Engaging in fraud.

Committing Infringement: Infringing copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other proprietary rights under applicable law.

Misusing Our Services for Other Illegal Purposes: Posting child pornography or any other content that violates applicable law concerning child pornography. Posting or trafficking in obscene material that is unlawful under applicable law. Using the services in a manner that is inconsistent with applicable law.

Engaging in Disruptive and Illegal Misuse of Facilities: Posting or distributing content that contains any viruses, malware, worms, Trojan horses, malicious code, or other device that could harm our technical infrastructure or system or that of our users. Engaging in automated uses of the site that are abusive or disruptive of the services and have not been approved by Comneton. Disrupting the services by placing an undue burden on the website or the networks or servers connected with website. Disrupting the services by inundating any of Comneton with communications or other traffic that suggests no serious intent to use the website for its stated purpose. Knowingly accessing, tampering with, or using any of our non-public areas in our computer systems without authorization. Probing, scanning, or testing the vulnerability of any of our technical systems or networks unless all the following conditions are met: such actions do not unduly abuse or disrupt our technical systems or networks; such actions are not for personal gain (except for credit for your work); you report any vulnerabilities to Comneton developers (or fix it yourself); and you do not undertake such actions with malicious or destructive intent.

These Terms of Use prohibit engaging in deceptive activities, including misrepresentation of affiliation, impersonation, and fraud. As part of these obligations, you must disclose your employer, client, and affiliation with respect to any contribution for which you receive, or expect to receive, compensation. You must make that disclosure in at least one of the following ways: a statement on your user page, a statement on the talk page accompanying any paid contributions, or a statement in the edit summary accompanying any paid contributions.

Applicable law, or community and Comneton policies and guidelines, such as those addressing conflicts of interest, may further limit paid contributions or require more detailed disclosure.

Comneton may adopt an alternative paid contribution disclosure policy. If Comneton adopts an alternative disclosure policy, you may comply with that policy instead of the requirements in this section when contributing to Comneton. An alternative paid contribution policy will only supersede these requirements if it is approved by Comneton and listed in the alternative disclosure policy page.

We reserve the right to exercise our enforcement discretion with respect to the above terms.

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We may change or adjust terms of use anytime.

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